“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” As another year draws to a close, it’s time to look back and think about the role our customers played in supporting our business over the past 12 months. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of the VHS family. We are so grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn’t be here without exceptional customers like you. In a city filled with so many choices for your landscaping design and installation needs, we thank you for choosing us. Our goal for 2018 will be like that of a great oak tree; the steady, upward growth to reach our greatest potential for our customers. We will strive to refine our craft to offer more specialized services and work to provide these products with the kind of customer services that is second to none.
Here is a picture of our very first (and maybe only) VHS Snowman!

We wanted to gift you with some special instructions to ensure your lawn and gardens are healthy and happy all winter long. It looks it will freeze in the city on Christmas Day, so now is the perfect time!
Watering: We recommend watering once a week year round, yes, even in the winter. Although most plants are dormant, they still need moisture to keep their root system from drying out. Winters can be quite dry so watering once a week will ensure that your lawn and garden will stay moist even if they are getting beat up by the winter chill. The only thing worse than being cold, is being cold and thirsty, right? A steady 20-25 minutes per zone should do, if the season is abnormally dry.
Covering: Most Texas native or Texas adaptive plants will over winter just fine without a cozy old blanket to partially cover its foliage. Let face it, most of the time the blanket falls off anyways. Seasonal color would benefit from covering if the temperatures really fall below freezing. Some of the tropical plants would benefit from a blanket or some sort of covering (Bananas, Bougainvillea, Hibiscus ect.)
Protecting Containers: It would certainly help to cover or protect most all of your container plants. Container plantings are particularly prone to freeze since they do not have dense subsoil to regulate the temperature around the roots. Green houses are best but your garage or even a protected area of you yard would certainly help to reduce chances of container plants freezing.
Mulch: What can I say; mulch is the absolute best thing you can do for your planting beds. Mulch will regulate temperatures of the soil and will hold in that much needed moisture for the winter. And like insulation for your home, it will also help temperature and moisture regulation in the summer. Contact us about fall and winter mulching specials.
And one more picture of our Bulverde facility dressed in a rare coat of white! Happy Holidays y'all!