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Your "To Do" List for Fall Gardeners

You will hear us say over and over again that the fall is our favorite time of year to landscape and we feel it is the best time of year to work in the garden for the biggest returns on your investment come spring. Here are some quick tips if you are getting in the yard or are planning to hire for fall tasks.


Nearly all evergreen and perennial plants are safe to plant in the fall

Native wildflower seeds like bluebonnets, phlox, Mexican hat, Indian paintbrush, Indian blanket (gaillardia)

Non-native like poppies, larkspurs, hollyhocks etc. Herbs like thyme, oregano, lavender cilantro seeds or transplants, parsley, dill, fennel, chervil, summer savory, borage


Oak trees are safe to prune to avoid stress and Oak Wilt. You will still want to spray any wounds over 1"


Iris, daylily, fern, liriope, spring-blooming perennials, violets


Fertilize with an organic slow release formula like 8-2-4 or similar ratio. Avoid products with too much nitrogen

Treat Brown Patch: Apply a quarter inch of compost. Apply corn meal. Find out what’s causing the problem like low drainage spots or compacted areas

Mow high to fend off weed seeds that are germinating. Taller grass shades them out

Other Goodies for the Garden:

Cut basil to freeze in oil in ice cube trays to use this winter in soups and stews

Collect seeds from summer annuals to dry and store indoors until next spring

Get houseplants ready to move inside. Investigate for any “buddies” that could be coming indoors with them

Apply a heavy layer of mulch to protect the plants from the cold temps for the coming winter. Mulch is wonderful in keeping moisture and temperatures regulated, not only for the cold but also for the heat in the summer season

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